
‘It’s not the cough that carries you off, it’s the coffin they carry you off in.’ So they say, however if you fancy carrying your own little coffin, you can do so hands free with this beautiful black leather coffin backpack. With enough room for all your goth stuff it is sturdy and compact so you won’t feel like you’re carrying the weight of world on your shoulders.

Expertly crafted black leather skull bag, measuring roughly the same size as a human skull. This would be a good match for you if you’re into death and all things of a darker nature. The perfect gothic accessory. Would make a really special, unique gift too.

Black t-shirt depicting the No.13 tarot card of Death, riding his horse. Doesn’t he look dashing? Just as well, seeing as we’re all going to be meeting this fellow sooner or later.

All Men Must Die. Though they don’t all die peacefully like the ones that take a sip from Jaqen H’ghar’s cup. This has to be one of the better ways to go. Just guzzle it down and croak it. Sure beats ending up in Ramsay’s clutches or having your eyes popped out by The Mountain.

Do you dig graves? We think they’re wonderful. Disappear behind this cemetery shower curtain with its tombstones, dark trees and flying bats for a truly sinister shower experience. And with the sound of the falling water simulating rainfall on a bleak midwinter day, you could almost be there.

When you’ve found the love of your life, do you ever wish that even death could not separate you? Well these skeleton lovers have got it down, still crazy about each other beyond the grave. No amount of meddling from the Grim Reaper is keeping them apart. ‘Join Me In Death’ never sounded more romantic.

Perfect for Halloween. Send this greetings card to someone you love to wish them the most splendid of spooky celebrations. Alternatively, for the rest of the year, send it to someone you wish would end up in their pine overcoat very soon, to remind them of their own mortality.

The skeleton on this skateboard looks really at home, just like he’s laid out in a coffin. But there’s no rest even in death for this stiff, who gets walked all over but still goes along for the ride.

These skeleton stickers are based on a medieval drawing and are available either as a sheet of 6 measuring 3″ in diameter, or a sheet of 20 measuring 1.5″ in diameter. I could give you a few ideas where you should stick these, but I’m sure you’ll have plenty of your own.

Dice with death? Sounds great! Live life dangerously, place your bets and see if you can roll the dice in your favor. This pack of five black dice featuring Reaperesque skull faces will add an interesting twist to your gambling nights to ensure they are never grim.